Kesh Posh
Nutrition Facts
Rich source of Flavanoids
Numerous Polyphenols
Great source of Steroidal Glycosides
High amount of Glycine
Significant source of Vitamin D
Curry Leaves, Black Gram, Coriander Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Cumin Desi Chana Gram, Himalayan Pink Salt, Guntur chilli, Dash of Garlic, Lots of Passion and Love
Pre-Biotic Masala
Nutrition Facts
Rich source of Fiber
Good omega-3 Fats
Quality Protein
Great source of Cholin & Phytosterol
Significant source of Betain and Lutein
Flaxseeds, Coriander Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Cumin Desi Chana Gram, Himalayan Pink Salt, Guntur Chilli, Tamarind, Curry Leaves, Dash of Garlic, Lots of Passion and Love
Pro-Digestive Masala
Vital Masala
Nutrition Facts
Rich Source of Zinc
100 Types of Phytosterols
Great Source of Cholin
High Amount of Phosphorous
Quality Protein and Amino Acids
Improves Metabolic Function
Pumkin Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds, Coriander Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Cumin Desi Chana Gram, Himalayan Pink Salt, Guntur chilli, Dash of Garlic, Lots of Passion and Love
Vitamin Masala
Nutrition Facts
12 All Essential vitamins
36 Anti inflammatories
13 essential minerals
Al, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Se, Zn
9 All essential Aminoacids
46 Antioxidants
High Selenium & Chromium
Moringa Leaves, Coriander Seeds, Mustard Seeds, Cumin Desi Chana Gram, Himalayan Pink Salt, Guntur chilli, Dash of Garlic, Satara Sugercane Extract, Aamchurna, Lots of Passion and Love