How It Works
The paradox of modern times is abundance of food but lack in nutrition. People across the world are getting malnourished and immune compromised despite having higher calorific intake and greater purchase power. Modern diets across the world are deficient of required vitamins and minerals. Shockingly even meals prepared at homes are no exception as most of the grains and pulses are heavily processed and refined for visual appearance and taste. Alarming levels of pesticides have been used to grow most of the fruits and vegetables for greater yields. Most of the vegetables are flooded with hybridized varieties either genetically modified or phenotypically curated, which possess hardly any nutritional or medicinal value after cooking. There is a need for scientifically designed super foods to nutrify our intake by fortifying meals with nutrients to improve immune index. Medicine masalas are designed and curated to augment nutrient profile as well as taste whether it is for a staple
Overall Health
Provides Your Daily Dose of Nutrients.
Garnish Any Food.
Infuse Daily Dose of Nutrients.
Fortify your intake with essential nutrients.
Simply Nutrifies your meal.
No pesticides.
Antibiotic resistance
Vitamin Supplementation in natural form
Prebiotic & Pro digestive

Ambient Temp Preparation.
Authentic Aromas.
Fresh from the Village kitchen.
Environmental safety
Organic Ingredients.
Sources from Pristine Farms.
Foothills of Eastern Ghats.
Immune system boost
Combat Malnutrition
Fight Nutritional Deficiency
Fortify with Immune Nutrients