Uniqueness of
Dr. Kanuru’s
Super Scientific Foods
We love what we do
- Combat Malnutrition
- Fight Nutritional Deficiency
- Fortify with Immune Nutrients
- Garnish Food of your choice
- Infuse Daily Dose of Nutrients
Our working process
+ Ambient Temp Preparation
+ Authentic Aromas
+ Fresh from the Village kitchen
+ Organic Ingredients
+ No pesticides
+ Nature Positive Methods
+ Grown at Bio fortified Soils
+ Sourced from the foot hills of Pristine Ghats

About our MASALA store
The paradox of modern times is abundance of food but lacking in nutrition. People across the world are getting malnourished and immune compromised despite having higher calorific intake and greater purchase power. Modern diets across the world are deficient of required vitamins and minerals. Shockingly even meals prepared at home is a no exception, as most of the grains and pulses are heavily processed and refined for visual appearance and taste.
Alarming levels of pesticides are used to grow most of the fruits and vegetables for greater yields . Most of the vegetables are flooded with hybridised varieties either genetically modified or phenotypically curated, which posses hardly any nutritional or medicinal value after cooking. There is a need for scientifically designed super foods to nutrify our intake by fortifying meals with nutrients to improve immune index.
Dr. Kanuru’s Scientific and Nutritionally Dense Super Foods meets this need and, are designed and curated to augment nutrient profile as well as taste whether it is for a home made staple rice meal or a Fast & Fancy pizza .
More people than ever are expected to suffer from diet-related illnesses. Scientifically designed Super foods based medicine masalas assume greater significance as research shows that intermittent fasting as well as food in modest amounts but high in nutrition proven to be healthy for the sedentary lifestyle.
Dr.Kanuru’s scientific super foods play a pivotal role in addressing malnutrition, metabolic issues, vitamin and mineral deficiences in a natural and simple way
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Our Team
Taking responsibility for the Good Health...
We work through every aspect at the planning
Our company history and facts
The beginnings of this product has origins in a visit to an ancestral village located at the foot hills of the Eastern Ghats a during the festive Sankranti season. Primarily it was born out of a mother's concern after seeing her much depressed and fatigued entrepreneur son suffering from serious malnourishment issues mainly due to his stressful and fast paced life in the maximus metros. This had triggered numerous lifestyle conditions as well as premature hair loss and grey hair. Invoking typical grandmother wisdom, the concerned mother made numerous food fortification elixirs by infusing medicinal and nutritional benefits of assorted herbs, leaves, pulses and spices mixed in an eclectic fashion in the form of masalas , which aided in healing several metabolic conditions of her affected son.
Thus was born the idea of disseminating this traditional knowledge by imparting some of these time tested traditional kitchen remedies to the scores of digitised sedentary population caged in the comforts of concrete jungles who are suffering from nutritional deficiencies. The logical consequence was the concept of nutrifying the urban food platter - or fortifying our daily meal intakes with the ‘medicine masalas’ to meet daily nutritional needs in a natural and convenient way. Eventually pandemic pains in the stomach of a desperate entrepreneur, led to the birth of metered medicine masalas! Now the Nano scientist metamorphed molecular gastronomy Chef, Dr.Vijay Kanuru is on the onerous task to revive, preserve , promote and propagate these grandmother recipes in scientifically adapted formulas for regenerative health benefits.
For more than a decade, Dr.Vijay Kanuru has been developing bio-available formulations of dietary phytochemical nanoparticles for cancer care, prevention and management and has used all this expertise to bring Scientific food formulations for higher nutritional benefit.
Top Health Benefits of Consuming Turmeric | Healthy Tips | Boost Immunity with Turmeric
Turmeric is loaded with various nutrients and medicinal properties. Most people aren’t aware of these health benefits of turmeric; please share this video with friends and family to help them know how beneficial this golden spice is for our health. Together let us aim to promote wellbeing and make this world a better place to live in. Thank you!